Do Joro Spiders Bite?

Yes.  Joro spiders do bite, but it should be noted that their bite is typically not of medical importance.  Due to their small fangs, they have difficulty piercing human skin. Related Answer: What do Joro Spiders look like?

Joro Spiders are also considered not not aggressive because they reluctant to bite, which is great news for landscapers and gardeners alike! So, in general they do not pose a threat to human or pets.

Do Joro Spider bites hurt?

Joros do have venom in their bite, but the venom is weak, causing pain similar to a bee sting.  The pain is isolated to the bite, and should clear on its own without medical intervention.  

What do you do if a Joro Spider bites you?

There is concern that an individual could be allergic to the venom, but there isn’t enough evidence to support this possibility at this time. If you were bitten by a Joro spider and have any of the following symptoms, seek medical help immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Swelling in your throat or around your eyes
  • Severe swelling around the bite site
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Loss of consciousness



PennState Extension. (2022, March 9). Jorō Spiders. PSU.

Healthline. (2021, September 23). When a Spider Bite is a Cause for Concern, and What to Do. Healthline.

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